It pays to write!

I am delighted to report that yes indeed it pays to write! I attended a workshop dubbed ‘Words Over Weapons’ that was organized by Kenyan publishing house, StoryMoja in December 2009. Its purpose was to develop 10 short stories targeting teenagers that fell within pre-determined themes and settings . Our work as the 15 or so workshop attendees was to develop stories in our own imaginative ways that fulfilled these criterion.

I am overjoyed to say that two of my stories were chosen! They were posted here as ‘MARIA’ and ‘NERVES OF STEAL’. Due to contractual issues I have to take them down but they will appear as cartoon strips (I presume) on the Sambaza Peace site as soon as it goes live.

12 responses to “It pays to write!”

  1. Congratulations my dear, the sky is indeed the limit ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Wanjeri

      Thank you dear! Its your support that makes me continue to trudge along on this rocky path ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Julia

    Hapo sasa. Congrats woman;-))

    1. Wanjeri

      Thank you yuria!! And I read your comment on the use of the name ‘Julia’ in MARIA hahaha next time I will use the name for a very cool character ok?

  3. hannah

    congrats swts!u desav it nd more!

  4. Wanjeri

    @hannah asante sana!

  5. Swiswi…!!!! wonder woman way to go!!!! Prouda you dear!!! now you can only keep going!!!!!:)

    1. Wanjeri

      Woohoo thanks champ ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Congratulations Wanjeri! Way to go yaaay!!!

    1. Wanjeri

      asante sana squashed banana!

  7. Wow!

    Congratulations girlfriend! Am so so happy for you ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Wanjeri

      thank you dear!

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