The sun falls out of the sky
when I think of you.
Butterflies; a chorus of mocking crows.
Blood flees from my heart
and I die a little.
When I speak of you
my tongue twists into a dirge
teeth; an army of knives
laughter starts to bitter.
See how you’ve made me a glutton of time?
I reap where I did not sow.
Dancing with the fury of ticking clocks.
My mind, a map of private sorrows.
Tell me, when you steal my sleep
do you cradle it in your arms
like you once held me
on that first night
when I couldn’t sleep?
And when I dream of you
do you see me waking up drippy-eyed?
Chasing shadows I thought I saw
hiding in cupped hands and interlocked fingers?
How is it that every man wears your eyes?
And a stranger turns the pages of a book as you would?
Tell me, what is that light still dancing in your pictures?
Every morning my heart remembers to forget.
I set sail on amnesic waters hoping that I’ll find you.
Praying…begging…that you are only just around the corner.
©wanjeri gakuru
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