Last month when the world was saddened by the death of Gill Scott-Heron I was unmoved. His name was unfamiliar. I thought he was just another American artist who, though obviously much loved, was only relevant to Americans.

In hindsight, I realize that he played a pivotal role in developing spoken word poetry and social consciousness through his music from the early 70s to date. Shame on me for not recognizing the name of the man who wrote the famous poem, ‘THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED.’

According to his page on Wikipedia, Gil Scott-Heron was a writer as well. He published ‘The Vulture’ and ‘The Nigger Factory’, the former was published in 1970 and was well received. Although he never received his undergraduate degree, he did get a Master’s degree in Creative Writing in 1972 from Johns Hopkins University. His 1972 masters thesis was titled ‘Circle of Stone’.

So this morning when I heard the story of Abdul Malik Al Nasir, a man whose life was touched in a very special way by the bard, I was nearly moved to tears. It made me think about what legacy I would like to leave behind and how the ‘world’ would remember me.

We are lucky to have the ability to forever capture both still and moving images as well as text. The Internet is the elephant who never forgets. That said, I see myself foremost as a writer happily ‘published’ on my blog. Should I make that lovely hop-skip-jump from post to page I shall be humbled, excited and even more reflective.

P.S I’m very proud of dear friends Wanjiku Mwaurah, Jacque Ndinda and Claudette Odour who will have their works published in ‘Fresh Paint: Literary Vignettes by Kenyan Women’, an anthology of poems and short stories published by AMKA-Space for Women’s Creativity and Goethe-Institut.

Once you define yourself as any sort of professional and are validated by having your thoughts and ideas shared outside of your immediate community, you have a big responsibility. Think about how sad and disappointed we get when we hear what scandals a person in the limelight gets into. Sure, no one is perfect, but you cant shrink away from the expectations that come with your position.

When friends ask me for professional advice or to share my thoughts on certain things, for a second the world freezes and I think about the implications of my words. He/She will probably take my word as ‘Gospel’ truth in a sense, because in that moment, anything I say will be accepted as is.

As someone who is in a life-long affair with words, I know how they have the ability to make, break or mend. And, more importantly, if it by my utterances that I will be remembered by, what will they say of me? Eek!

Of course it is futile to predict how things will eventually play out but what I take away from Abdul’s story is how he spoke kindly of Gil. How we learn about Gil’s character, passion and sense of self through the eyes of another, and that is a beautiful thing.

4 responses to “Legacy_How will you be remembered?”

  1. Shem Odhiambo

    I have always loved Gill Scott Heron, a true creative genius, who was not afraid of expressing truths most of us only speak to ourselves- I still consider ‘The revolution will not be televised’, to be chillingly prophetic. I also really love ‘We beg your pardon’, for its humorous satire- give it a listen if you haven’t already.
    Regarding your piece; its simply profound…!

    1. Anonymous

      Lucky you! I’ll definitely look up that poem…And thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Anonymous

    Wanjeri, be assured that you have some readers who will remember your work! We would love to see the leap from post to page though. All said and done, I think the biggest thing should always be that you ventured out and did what you did and not wallow in regret years later during your sunset days. I always wanted to be a writer but something always held me back and I was sort of afraid of the no nonsense stinging criticism that comes with the territory but I would imagine myself starting to get over that. I say that because of what you write about giving advice to friends and thinking about your words. Words can kill off someone, and they can also be the encouragement that spurs one on!

    I did come across some of Gil’s work during my college days but did not really indulge deep into his stuff. This post now inspires me to look up his work some more.

    1. Anonymous

      I’m incredibly humbled by your words, thank you, thank you, thank you. Life is strange, you never know why you didn’t start off as a writer, may be you had to do all those other things first for you to realize how important writing is to you.

      But now that you do, seek happiness where you can, if the first step is to open a blog, then do that, write, share, grow ๐Ÿ™‚ you will always be your biggest critic so don’t be phased by what others say, but always listen for the truths they reveal.

      I am always afraid to share my thoughts, but that fear, these days at least, is overcome by the realization that my thoughts are unique, they are mine and gademmit I will say them!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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