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A Nairobi event planner returns to her village after 10 years, where she confronts her past — and a mining company that threatens to destroy her home.

Postcard from Nairobi: ‘Many families — mine included — have been on game drives for the first time’
Nairobi folk love sherehe. The Swahili word for party, or enjoyment, is embodied here as a heady mix of euphoria and camaraderie, with a tinge of foolhardiness.

Wanjeri Gakuru — Archive of Forgetfulness
ESSAYS WANJERI GAKURU BICYCLE STORIES This is our time, Sebastian Wanzalla, 2017. Through a thicket, you see four women…

Extra Soul Perception — nataal.com
Nataal partners with this innovative new music project uniting the UK and East Africa

Nielimishe Film
“Nielimishe” a 13 minute film highlighting the challenges school-going children face accessing quality education in low income urban environments. The name ”…

「最高に気持ちいいシャワーを浴びたときみたい」Blinky Billの地元、音と制作のインスピレーション。ケニア随一の音楽人を育むナイロビという街 – Always Listening by Audio-Technica(オーディオテクニカ)
ケニアのミュージシャン/プロデューサー/DJのBlinky Bill(以下Blinky)は、多忙だ。ソロアーティストとしての活動は目まぐるしく、数え切れないほどの世界中のステージでプレイし、TEDフェローシップや、Red Bull Music Academy、OneBeatの仲間になり、エミレーツ航空の広告も飾った。

“The Pod”, a Black Mirror-esque short play
“The Pod”Writer: Wanjeri GakuruDirector: Rebecca MartinStarring: Nice Githinji, Juan Miguel Vidales and Rebecca Martin LOGLINE: When two broke strangers are …

Wauzine Issue 3 “Matatu” — Fashion Scout
The final digital zine showcasing the incredible work of 11 upcoming Kenyan designers who have been part of the British Council’s Creative DNA accelerator programme, in partnership with Fashion Scout. Wauzine brings together young creatives from both Nairobi and London, to see what collaborative mag