Year in Review

If I had a bucketlist for 2011 it would read thus:

Have my byline in LA Times Magazine.
Grow a little older and a whole lot wiser.
Finally visit Kibera.
Secure own domain name.
Get promoted, twice!
Write and illustrate a children’s story (on the blog).
Be published in an academic journal.
Star in my own fabulous photo shoot.
Have the words to write this blog even when I think I don’t.
Make the cover of a magazine.
Discover the loveliest blog theme.
Be interviewed by Matthew Banister on BBC Outlook
Plan, pay for and travel for first holiday outside of my country.
Find three kinds of love.
Create poetry and prose in new, imaginative ways.
Truly forgive a wrongdoing.
Write a poem for my father.
Let go of 0.00004814% of my superstitious tendencies.
Carve out more quiet time to think, breathe and recharge.
Become a YouTube sensation.

Ok, so while I’m still working on the last item on my list (which reminds me, watch and share this video NOW! [thanks Marcus!] ), I cannot deny that God has been good to me this year. I achieved these things and much more and it is all thanks to His grace and mercies upon me. If I can offer nothing else then please accept my heartfelt thanks to his agents; you friends and strangers alike who helped make all these things possible, asanteni.

Here’s to what was a fantastic 2011 and may 2012 bring even greater Good.

Happy New Year.

4 responses to “Year in Review”

  1. Short and sweet

  2. Anonymous


  3. You can dance mami :). Here’s to an even better 2012 *raises glass*

    1. Wanjeri


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